How to Develop a Memorable Brand Identity in 2022

October 6, 2022

We all have a personal identity. Something that makes us who we are and sets us apart from everyone else. Just as your uniqueness makes you, YOU, your brand identity does just the same. It’s the mystery ingredient that defines your brand. It’s what shapes your company and helps it stands out amongst the crowd.
What is Brand Identity?

For semantics sake, let’s start with a definition of the term brand identity. Brand identity is the collection of all elements that a company creates to portray the right image to its consumer.
It’s important to note that brand identity is different from “brand image” and “branding,” even though at times, these terms are treated synonymously.
Just to set the difference, the term branding is the distinct shaping of a brand, while the term brand is simply how the world perceives your company.
Ok, let’s discuss a real-world example.
What does every early 2000’s movie about high school have in common? It’s the idea that to make it, you had to be a cool kid. You can recall montages of teenage girls getting makeovers in hopes of being perceived as cool enough to get a seat at the popular table and snag the hot jock boyfriend. They knew they couldn’t just force others to look at them entirely differently. Instead, they had to put in work to create the image they wanted others to believe in. An image that solidified what they stood for. They had to develop their brand.
The new hair, updated wardrobe, expensive makeup, and the transition to contacts from glasses. All those tangible elements are your brand identity.
Your brand identity is the first thing your customers think about when they think of your brand.
Your audience will always connect your brand identity with whatever product or service you offer. That identity is what builds the foundation between your brand and your customers. It promotes customer loyalty and cultivates how your customers see your brand.
How do you develop your brand into a strong brand identity?
To develop your brand identity, you first need to establish what your brand stands for. How do you do this, you might ask? Well, you can start by asking yourself these questions:
● What’s your mission? Why is this important?
● What do you believe in? What drives your brand?
● What are the dynamics of your brand?
● What sets you apart from your competitors?
● What does your brand communicate to your customers?
These questions are the foundation of your brand identity, and it’s vital that you have thoroughly thought about each one before you begin trying to cultivate the essence of your brand.
Figuring all of this out might seem like a daunting task. It’s only your entire brand, right? But not to fear, here are some brainstorming ideas to help get you started.
Think about:
● Why you started your business
● What your beliefs and values are in regard to your company
● Why a customer should choose you over your competitors
● What makes you unique
● Three words that you would use to describe your brand and three words that you would imagine your customer would us to describe your brand
Once your brand is solidified, you can now hone in on your brand’s identity; This is how your customer gets to know you!
How to build a brand identity that will take your business to the next level
The foundation of your brand identity is the design. Your design is the tangible elements that determine how the masses perceive your brand! Things like your logo, your web design, your social media graphics, your business cards, etc.
Your Logo
Your logo is the backbone of your brand identity. When working with your designer, aim for your logo to:
● Be able to show who are and what you value as a brand
● Be aesthetically pleasing, minimal, and concise
● Be able to withhold shifts and trends: you want a logo that will last a lifetime and not go out of style in 6 months
● Be memorable
Your Website
Your website is usually what the customer sees first. It, in a lot of ways, represents your brands just as much as your logo. Your website is especially vital if your business is entirely online vs. brick and mortar, which is becoming more and more the norm. Your website might be the deciding factor on whether or not a customer decides to do business with you. Your brand identity should shine through your entire site.
Business cards
No matter the business, you will want some well-designed business cards. Business cards offer a chance to reinforce a favorable opinion of your brand to your clients. Have your designer keep it simple: your company logo on one side of the card and your company’s critical details on the other side should be all you need. The less, the better.
Other design elements that you should work with your designer to flesh out according to your brand identity is:
● Typography
● Color palette
● Form/Shape
Please remember that Consistency is key to creating a strong brand identity. You want your website to showcase your brand the same way your social media would. By doing this, you build rapport and trust with your client/customer. It creates less confusion and reinforces your professionalism.
To wrap up…
In the saturated market of businesses and consumers, you want the ability to cast yourself apart from everyone else. You want to portray who you are to your customers and what they can expect from working with you. It’s pertinent that your brand has a positive perception, so your brand identity must be designed carefully and accurately.
Remember, creating a memorable brand requires consistent use of type, color, images, and language, but it’s worth it. When consumers instantly recognize who you are and what you stand for all based on a logo, you’ve become more than just a name and a symbol.
Now, the only thing left to do is to start! Contact the brand experts at iBrandMedia to help you launch the brand of your dreams.